HYBRID PRODUCTIONS presentz.......... i visited Hybrid Productions and meeted the creator and owner Mantis Oh, she was just busy placing the newest multifunctional prefab, way cool!
If u like futuristic buildings, gear, clothes and other neat things, pay a visit at Hybrid Prod.
Babe took us to the "Wierd Shit Store", cool shop with all very wierd fun stuff, when u want to visit the store, then send Babe an IM! - ( thnx for the presents babe :P )
DJ Opal was playing some nice tunes at B.A.S.E., but then there came a heavy storm!, Opal ran outside and yelled at the storm, Uhuh that worked, party on...oh no Opal crashed...... :(..within a minut she was back and told us, she had to go offline... 0-o...
Anyway, i did not understand the note, but Kekoa was so friendly to make me a translation, here is comes:
xKekoa Altamura: (ja->en) AFK tool-hune kogi-and instructions are available in this time Thank you. This is, AFK, and when you wear your appeal to the state's only tool. You can calligraphy scrolls, calligraphy scrolls of characters will change. Collectibles as a joke and enjoy and would be sorry. If you have any questions, NOW2000 Jewell would be to respond to the IM bon appétit. Let the good times AFK ♪
Ema played in B.A.S.E., this was a good start for the weekend, also many SICK members joined us, Ema was up at 5 o'clock in Japan (omg!) thank you Ema!